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Diseases and Conditions (E)

  1. E. coli

  2. Ear infection (middle ear)

  3. Ear infection, outer ear (See: Ear infection, outer ear, also known asSwimmer's ear)

  4. Eardrum, ruptured (See: Eardrum, ruptured, also known asRuptured eardrum (perforated eardrum))

  5. Early puberty (See: Early puberty, also known asPrecocious puberty)

  6. Earwax blockage

  7. Eating disorders

  8. Eating disorders, anorexia (See: Eating disorders, anorexia, also known asAnorexia nervosa)

  9. Eating disorders, binge eating (See: Eating disorders, binge eating, also known asBinge-eating disorder)

  10. Eating disorders, bulimia (See: Eating disorders, bulimia, also known asBulimia nervosa)

  11. Ebstein anomaly

  12. Ectopic heartbeat (See: Ectopic heartbeat, also known asPremature ventricular contractions (PVCs))

  13. Ectopic pregnancy

  14. Ectropion

  15. Eczema (See: Eczema, also known asAtopic dermatitis (eczema))

  16. Eczema, dyshidrotic (See: Eczema, dyshidrotic, also known asDyshidrosis)

  17. ED (See: ED, also known asErectile dysfunction)

  18. Edema

  19. Edema, pulmonary (See: Edema, pulmonary, also known asPulmonary edema)

  20. Egg allergy

  21. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

  22. Ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis

  23. Eisenmenger syndrome

  24. Elevated blood pressure

  25. Embolism, pulmonary (See: Embolism, pulmonary, also known asPulmonary embolism)

  26. Embryonal tumors

  27. Emphysema

  28. Encephalitis

  29. Encopresis

  30. End stage kidney failure (See: End stage kidney failure, also known asEnd-stage renal disease)

  31. Endocardial cushion defect (See: Endocardial cushion defect, also known asAtrioventricular canal defect)

  32. Endocarditis

  33. Endometrial cancer

  34. Endometrial polyps (See: Endometrial polyps, also known asUterine polyps)

  35. Endometriosis

  36. End-stage renal disease

  37. Enlarged breasts in men (See: Enlarged breasts in men, also known asEnlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia))

  38. Enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia)

  39. Enlarged heart

  40. Enlarged liver

  41. Enlarged prostate (See: Enlarged prostate, also known asBenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH))

  42. Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly)

  43. Enlarged thyroid (See: Enlarged thyroid, also known asGoiter)

  44. Entropion

  45. Eosinophilic esophagitis

  46. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (See: Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis , also known asChurg-Strauss syndrome)

  47. Ependymoma

  48. Epicondylitis, lateral (See: Epicondylitis, lateral, also known asTennis elbow)

  49. Epidermoid cysts

  50. Epidermolysis bullosa

  51. Epididymitis

  52. Epiglottitis

  53. Epilepsy

  54. Epilepsy, frontal lobe (See: Epilepsy, frontal lobe, also known asFrontal lobe seizures)

  55. Epithelioid sarcoma

  56. Erectile dysfunction

  57. Erythema infectiosum (See: Erythema infectiosum, also known asParvovirus infection)

  58. Erythema multiforme major (See: Erythema multiforme major, also known asStevens-Johnson syndrome)

  59. Escherichia coli infection (See: Escherichia coli infection, also known asE. coli)

  60. Esophageal achalasia (See: Esophageal achalasia, also known asAchalasia)

  61. Esophageal cancer

  62. Esophageal spasms

  63. Esophageal varices

  64. Esophagitis

  65. Essential tremor

  66. Esthesioneuroblastoma

  67. Ewing sarcoma

  68. Excess facial hair in women (See: Excess facial hair in women, also known asHirsutism)

  69. Excess growth hormone (See: Excess growth hormone, also known asAcromegaly)

  70. Excessive daytime sleepiness (See: Excessive daytime sleepiness, also known asNarcolepsy)

  71. Excessive menstrual bleeding (See: Excessive menstrual bleeding, also known asMenorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding))

  72. Exercise headaches

  73. Exercise-induced asthma

  74. External otitis (See: External otitis, also known asSwimmer's ear)

  75. Extrasystole (See: Extrasystole, also known asPremature ventricular contractions (PVCs))

  76. Eye floaters

  77. Eye melanoma

  78. Eyelid inflammation (See: Eyelid inflammation, also known asBlepharitis)

  79. EyestrainA

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